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Come to experience in maseer
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Discover yourself


Tour programs

Camping and Exploring

About Maseer

Meseer is a leading Omani company that designs and delivers educational programs and outdoor entertainment. Our mission is to create unforgettable experiences For participants of all ages allowing them to explore the Omani environment and participation in personal development activities And identifying the potentials of the Omani nature.

Why Maseer?

Safety and Sustainability Safety is our top priority. We adhere to safety standards, We conduct regular risk assessments and provide qualified guides who are trained in first aid. Furthermore, we are committed to sustainable practices, minimizing our environmental impact, and promoting responsible tourism.  Our team is made up of passionate individuals have a deep knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of the Sultanate of Oman. We guarantee authentic and enjoyable experiences for our participants through benefit from our local expertise

Our programs

Discover Yourself The program focuses on self-discovery and personal growth. Through a range of activities such as team building exercises, reflective sessions, In nature-based challenges, participants are encouraged to get out of their zones comfort them and gain valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses and potentials of the character. Camping and exploring make this possible Camping programs for participants to discover hidden gems of wonders. Oman Natural. From mountain trails with varied scenery to Picturesque coastal trails, led by our experienced guides Groups through immersive experiences, which enhances the sense of adventure Camaraderie and respect for the environment. The tour is a tourist program. It gets you so close See the details of the beauty of Oman and its natural sites An attractive archaeological site worth visiting accompanied by an experienced Omani coach and guide. Isolation This program provides individuals with the opportunity to separate About the requirements of daily life and immersion in the Omani environment Quiet. through custom paths. Participants can Enjoy moments of solitude, and engage in remote practices From the hustle and bustle of life, it also allows your mind to think outside the box. And to come up with unique solutions to ordinary problems.




New Destinations


Years Experienced


Mountains & Rivers

Our Team

Mohammed Al Rawahi

outdoor, equips participant with basic camping and hiking skills over 12 years of experience in education in Long stay outdoors. His patient and supportive approach allows people of all ages

Othman Al-Maskari

It ensures the safety and well-being of our participants while providing them with all the logistics. his passion. His sense of adventure makes him an invaluable asset to our team.

Khaled Al-Abri

CEO of Amaq Foundation for Artistic Production, winner of the Medal of Excellence for Services, Khaled Al-Abri .From the International Federation of Photographic Art.

Khaled Al Rawahi

Logistician and takes pictures of the camel moments during the adventure. His expertise included navigation . In the wilderness, our participants are well prepared for their outdoor adventures

Our Customers

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